Our wonderful market sponsors!

Many thanks to our neighbors—

Amy Brentano, owner of The Foundry, who generously allows us to use her land. We literally wouldn’t be here without her!

And many thanks to: Truc Orient Express who offers parking to our vendors, and to Hotchkiss Mobiles and TurnPark Art Space who offer additional parking to our customers.

We appreciate all you do to help make the Farmers Market happen.

Also many thanks to Jennifer Knopf, owner of Flourish Market, who created West Stockbridge’s beautiful website (click button below).

And last, but certainly by absolutely no means, least, we wish to thank BERKSHIRE GROWN for all they do to support and promote local agriculture as a vital part of the Berkshire community, economy and landscape. Their mission is to keep farmers farming! They not only support & promote farmers, they do the same for farmers markets. They have helped us immensely over the years and have been an ever present source of support & strength to us. We can’t thank them enough for all they do!!!

Please check them out at: https://berkshiregrown.org and if you care about the vital role local agriculture plays in the Berkshires, we ask you to consider donating to their vitally important organization.